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Rich Text Task Comments

Images and other files in Rich Text

To insert an image (or other file) into the Rich Text comment area you have a number of choices:

  • 'Copy and Paste' the file(s) from Windows Explorer (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V).
  • 'Drag and Drop' the file(s) from Windows Explorer.
  • Right-click and select 'Insert File Link' from the popup menu.

Note: For security reasons it is not possible to embed executable files.

The first time you insert a file you will be prompted to choose how you want to file to be inserted:

  • Link to the file using 'file://…name.ext'
    • The file:// path is shown in the comments. This is also what is seen in the XML COMMENTS tag in the .tdl file and exports.
    • Because file:// links are clickable, single-clicking this link will open the file using the current user's default application for that file extension.
    • A link is invalidated if the source file is moved, deleted, or renamed, or if the current user does not have network access to a file referenced by another user.
  • Embed a copy of the file which can be viewed by double-clicking the icon
    • This can make the .tdl file Huge, affecting storage, backups, reporting, file tranfers, and regular performance.
    • Opening this file may trigger PC-specific warnings from the OS or protection software. The icon may be modified with a overlay if triggers a security warning.
    • There is (at this time) no Open With option, for example to view a .bat file with an editor. In this case the only option is to execute the .bat file.
    • Not only can the file be opened, but it can be edited and resaved into the task comment. This means such an object should not be thought of as a static snapshot of an original.
  • Embed a link to the file which allows the original file to be edited and automatically updated.
    • A shortcut with a clickable icon is inserted, but otherwise this is the same as the Link above (including possible invalidation).
    • The shortcut opens the source file for editing. The phrase “automatically updated” means the current state of the source file is always available. Compare to an embedded file which starts as a local copy of the original, and which may be edited within the tasklist.
    • While the actual file isn't embedded, a shortcut is, and a number of these can expand the size of the .tdl file.
  • Display the image file directly (currently supports bmp, ico, gif, jpg, png)
    • This option is enabled only for image files.
  • Make this my automatic choice
    • Tick this box if you don't want to prompted each time you insert a file. You can change this at a later date via the Rich Text Preferences Dialog.

Note: To resize an image, as with images anywhere else, use the “handles” (small square) around the image border or on the corners. This may not always work as expected for larger images.

Note: The placeholder shortcut for a file added into a comment is resizable and may not show the entire filename without resizing. The icon is the current application assigned to that file type. The shortcut placeholder is actually an image which includes the icon and text - it is not an icon with separate text. If this shortcut image is resized by dragging on the border handles, the icon and text are subject to resizing, perhaps undesirably.

Note: When right-clicking on an image, shortcut, or file, the context menu displayed is actually for the entire comments area and not just for the object clicked. So for example, if you select Preferences, the choice here is to set the default for all future file objects, not to set the preference for the currently selected object. However, to remove an object, right click and select Delete.

Note: While drag/drop and copy/paste of file folders is supported, the result is a link to the source, not a folder icon and not a copy of all of the contained files.

Features Common to both Simple and Rich Text Comments

rich-text-comments.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/21 02:21 (external edit)