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To insert an image (or other file) into the Rich Text comment area you have a number of choices:
, Ctrl+V
). Note: For security reasons it is not possible to embed executable files.
The first time you insert a file you will be prompted to choose how you want to file to be inserted:
Note: To resize an image, as with images anywhere else, use the “handles” (small square) around the image border or on the corners. This may not always work as expected for larger images.
Note: The placeholder shortcut for a file added into a comment is resizable and may not show the entire filename without resizing. The icon is the current application assigned to that file type. The shortcut placeholder is actually an image which includes the icon and text - it is not an icon with separate text. If this shortcut image is resized by dragging on the border handles, the icon and text are subject to resizing, perhaps undesirably.
Note: When right-clicking on an image, shortcut, or file, the context menu displayed is actually for the entire comments area and not just for the object clicked. So for example, if you select Preferences, the choice here is to set the default for all future file objects, not to set the preference for the currently selected object. However, to remove an object, right click and select Delete.
Note: While drag/drop and copy/paste of file folders is supported, the result is a link to the source, not a folder icon and not a copy of all of the contained files.