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List View

This view presents the tasklist as a single 'flat' list without the hierarchical indentation of the Task Tree. The most useful aspect of this is that it allows for sorting all tasks top-to-bottom in one range, allowing you to (for instance):

  • Find a task having a specific ID wherever it might exist in the tasklist (sort by Task ID)
  • Find all tasks whose names begin with 'Fix' (sort by Title)
  • Find all tasks falling within a certain date range (sort by Start or Due Dates)

Note: Having found and selected your tasks of interest, you can switch back to the Task Tree and have those same tasks remain selected even though they may be far apart within the hierarchy.

Creating Tasks

Moving tasks

To move one or more pre-selected tasks to a different location (or parent) you have the following options:

  • 'Cut and Paste' the selected tasks using the keyboard and/or mouse (Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V)

Note: Changing the task hierarchy is disabled in the List View via other means because the unstructured nature of the list makes the end results are very difficult to predict and impossible to represent.

Deleting Tasks

Selecting Tasks

list-view.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/21 02:21 (external edit)