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Task Attributes

This page describes the various built-in attributes available on a given task and how they can be edited.

Some attributes can only be edited via their associated fields, some attributes can only be edited by clicking directly on the associated column, some can also be edited/modified via the Edit Menu, and some can be edited in multiple ways. Finally, some attributes are read-only.

Note: All editable attributes can be considered entirely optional, meaning that they do not require you to enter any value.

Name Column Description Edit
Allocated By By A single person who assigned the task.
This could be the source of the task, a manager, or an individual responsible party.
See also: Droplists.
Allocated To To One or more People assigned to carry out the task.
Multiple values are separated by a comma in the grid.
See also: Droplists
Category Cat. One or more groups into which the task fits.
eg. 'Personal', 'Work', 'Simple', 'Complex', etc. Multiple values are separated by a comma in the grid. See also: Droplists
Colour (none) The text colour to be used for the task
See also: Font & Colour Preferences.
Comments (none) Free-form text as Simple Text, with no formatting, or Rich Text with fonts, colours, styles, text sizing, images, tables, etc. Field
Completed Date Completed The date on which work on a task was completed.
See also Completed Tasks, Completed Check Box (below)
Completed Time (follows Date) The associated time that a task was complete. Field
Completed Checkbox Provides the simplest way to mark a task as completed. See also: Completed Tasks, Completed Date (above). Column-click
Cost Cost A value representing the monetary cost of undertaking a task. No explicit currency types are associated with this attribute, 'Local currency' is assumed. Field
Created By By By default your computer login ID is used for this field. You can change this value in the Preferences. (read-only)
Creation Date Created A time-stamp which is assigned by the software to all new tasks. Read-only
Dependency Defines the ID of another task which must be completed before 'this' task can be marked as complete.
See also: Task Dependencies, Setting a Task as Complete.
Field, Gantt Chart View
Due Date Due Specifies a date by which a task should or must be completed. This date will also be used to show the span of a task in the Calendar and Gantt Views.
See also: Font & Colour Preferences, Attribute Calculation Preferences.
Due Time (follows date) Some tasks must be completed by a specific time of day. If this time is not set, it defaults to the end of the day ie. 11:59PM. Field
External ID Ext.ID An External ID can be set to refer to a bug tracking system, customer ID, customer service ticket, or any other application. This attribute is ideal for use is with User-Defined Tools to open the external app for the currently selected task. Field
File Link Allows you to associate one or more local files or URLs with a task. eg. A specification document. Field, Drag-Drop, Edit Menu
Flag An additional way to highlight an important task Column-click, Edit Menu
Icon A single icon to help identify a particular task Column-click, Edit Menu
ID ID A unique number which is assigned by the software for identification purposes. IDs are only unique within a specific tasklist. (read-only)
Modified Date Last Mod. The date and time the task was last modified (by anyone). (read-only)
Parent ID PID The ID of a task's immediate parent. (read-only)
Percent Complete % The amount of the task effort that has been completed so far.
See also: Attribute Calculation Preferences.
Field, Edit Menu
Priority A value in the range 0-10 to indicate the relative importance of completing this task ahead of others. Where this is not appropriate the priority can be set to '<None>'.
See also: Priority and Risk
Recently Modified * Indicates whether a given task has been modified within a user-definable time period eg. 5 hours or 2 weeks.
See also: Attribute Calculation Preferences.
Recurrence Recurs How often and when a task repeats eg. 'Every second Tuesday in June'.
See also: [Recurrence (Repeating) Tasks.
Field, Column-click, Edit Menu
Remaining Time This a read-only (calculated) value expressing how much time there remains to complete the task. See also: Attribute Calculation Preferences (read-only)
Reminder Indcates whether or not there is an active reminder for the task Column-click, Edit Menu
Risk A value in the range 0-10 to indicate the relative 'danger' of undertaking this task. Where this is not appropriate the risk can be set to '<None>'. See also: Priority and Risk Field
Start Date Start The (future) date you anticipate starting work on this task. This date will also be used to show the span of a task in the Calendar and Gantt Views.
See also Font & Colour Preferences, Attribute Calculation Preferences.
Start Time (follows date) Some tasks must be started at a specific time of day. If this time is not set, it is assumed to be the start of the day ie. 12:00AM. Field
Status Status A single value indicating the current state of a task. eg. 'Assigned', 'In Progress', 'Need Info', 'Testing', 'Completed'.
See also: Droplists.
Tags Tags One or more words used to describe aspects of a task that can be used to organise or Find Tasks.
See also: Droplists.
Task Title Title The name of your task.
This is the only mandatory editable attribute.
Column-click, Edit Menu
Version Ver. A single value representing the version of a product the task relates to (mainly related to software). Field
task-attributes.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/21 02:21 (external edit)