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Task Tree

This is the default (and original) task view where you will probably spend most of your early time with the application. It shows the fundamental parent/subtask structure of your tasklist and is the only view in which you can change these relationships.

Creating Tasks

Moving tasks

To move one or more pre-selected tasks to a different location (or parent) you have the following options:

  • Select one of the 'Menu Bar > Move > Move Selected Task …' menu commands
    • Move Task Up
      This swaps the task's position with the task immediately above it
    • Move Task Down
      This swaps the task's position with the task immediately below it
    • Move Task Left
      This takes a subtask and makes it a sibling of its current parent
    • Move Task Right
      This makes the task a subtask of the task immediately above it
  • 'Drag and Drop' the selected tasks using only the mouse
  • 'Cut and Paste' the selected tasks using the keyboard and/or mouse (Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V)

Deleting Tasks

Selecting Tasks

tree-view.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/21 02:21 (external edit)