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The Steps Recorder can be used to record the actions to reproduce issues or to demonstrate how to use a feature. This is a feature which is built-in to Windows starting with v7, simply made available from within ToDoList. The information here summarizes its use but a list of links is provided below for more details.
When complete, another form displays to show all of the steps that were recorded. A screenshot is shown for each step, along with a caption to indicate what was done and when. For example:
Step 1: User left click on "Tools (menu item)" in "Sample Tasklist - ToDoList (c) AbstractSpoon" Step 2: User left click on "Preferences... (menu item)" Step 3: User left click on "Page down (button)" in "ToDoList Preferences"
If the recording conveys the information required, click the Save button to create a Zip file, otherwise re-record. The file contains a single .MHT file which is a standard multi-part web page with embedded images.
Now make the Zip file available to whomever needs it. It can be attached to a GitHub Issue. You can save it to a cloud service and then post a link in one of the discussion groups. Or you can email the file or link to Dan if he asks for it.