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Installing on Linux

TDL can be run on Linux systems. This document outlines the necessary steps and gives some hints.


To run TDL on a Linux system there need to be WINE ( and a few specific libraries (DLLs) installed. TDL has been successfully tested so far on LinuxLite, Lubuntu, Fedora and Porteus with WINE stable and staging.

using a GUI

Start your graphical package/software manager (like Synaptic or Yum Extender) and install:

  • cabextract
  • wine
  • winetricks

If winetricks is not part of the repository, it cannot be installed via GUI or CLI. Instead, see here for download and execution/installation:

Start wintetricks from your menu (Wine → Winetricks) or the downloaded version via Terminal (see: and install the following DLLs (→ Select the default wineprefix → Install a Windows DLL or component):

  • comctl32
  • mfc42
  • vcrun6

using the terminal/ CLI

Run the following commands…

… on deb based systems:

sudo apt-get install wine winetricks
winetricks comctl32
winetricks mfc42
winetricks vcrun6

… on rpm based systems:

sudo yum install wine winetricks
winetricks comctl32
winetricks mfc42
winetricks vcrun6

If winetricks is not part of the repository, it cannot be installed via GUI or CLI. Instead, see here for download and execution/installation:

Setup/ Start of TDL

Assuming you have unzipped the todolist zip file into your home directory in a folder called todolist.

using a launcher/ icon

To create a menu entry under the category Office, create the following file with your text editor of choice:


Or create a file (launcher) ToDoList.desktop directly on your Desktop with your text editor of choice.

Content of ToDoList.desktop:

[Desktop Entry]



Comment=task manager

Exec=wine todolist/ToDoList.exe







Comment[en_US]=task management tool

using the terminal/ CLI

wine ~/todolist/ToDoList.exe

Linux specific settings/ limitations/ issues

TDL menu: → Tools → Preferences → User Interface → General:

  • Use the following theme (XP and later only), i.e. not available in Linux
  • Enable window fading when showing dialog boxes: not available in newer versions for Linux, needs to be deactivated in older versions!
linux.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/21 02:21 (external edit)