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Navigate Back
ToDoList keeps a history of the various task selections you have made, similar in concept to the Back/Forward history in your browser. This option takes you to the previous selection in the list (similar to 'Back' in your browser).
Note: if you move to a previous selection and then explicitly change the selection by clicking on a task in the tasklist, 'Forward' items are cleared (just as in your browser).
Navigate Forward
This option takes you to the next selection in the list (similar to 'Forward' in your browser).
Select Previous Task
Selects the previous visible task to the currently selected task. ie collapsed subtasks are ignored.
Select Next Task
Selects the next visible task to the currently selected task.
Select Task References
Locates and highlights all references to the currently selected task.
Select Reference Task Target
Locates the 'real' task to which the currently selected reference task points.
Select Previous Top Level Task
Moves the selection to the previous top level task in the task list.
Note: if the selection is on a sub-task, then the selection will first move to that sub-task's top level parent.
Select Next Top Level Task
Moves the selection to the next top level task in the task list.
Move Task Up
Moves the selected task above the sibling task immediately before it.
Move Task Down
Moves the selected task below the sibling task immediately beneath it.
Move Task Left (Up One Level)
Moves the selected task to the same level as its immediate parent task.
Move Task Right (Down One Level)
Makes the selected task a sub-task of the sibling task immediate before it.