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Help Menu

ToDoList has a range of online resources for users to get information. Our approach is not to ask everyone to subscribe to one website to get their information and post notes, but to try to make it convenient for you to use the resources and social media that you prefer.

We encourage you to subscribe/follow/Like the social media pages to get the latest information about ToDoList events. Your comments and notes of support are always welcome there. For help, visit this wiki often, and then for more detailed exchanges use the primary two support sites, the CodeProject forum and the Google Group.

Online Help
Takes you to the Welcome page of this wiki.

Feedback and Support
Takes you to our Google Group, where you can ask questions, report issues, and contribute suggestions for new features and other improvements.

Takes you to our Facebook page, where you can 'Like' our page to receive release notifications and post comments.

Takes you to @AbstrToDoList where you can 'follow' us to receive release notifications and post comments.

Google Plus
Takes you to our G+ discussion group where you can subscribe to receive release notifications and post comments.

Takes you to our LinkedIn discussion group where you can subscribe to receive release notifications and post comments.

Note: For all 'support' queries please only use our Google Group.

Keyboard Shortcuts
Displays the Active Keyboard Shortcuts dialog which lists the current keyboard shortcuts that have been set up in ToDoList.

Commandline Options
Displays the Available Commandline Options dialog listing the available command-line options that can be used to run ToDoList.

Check for Updates
Checks if there is a update available for ToDoList and then displays the Web Update dialog allowing you to update to the new version if there is. The update occurs quickly, the application restarts itself, and your tasklists are automatically re-opened in new/latest version of the software!

ToDoList is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). But donations are welcome to support ongoing development. This option opens your brower to a PayPal page where you can volunteer a contribution in any amount using your PayPal account (not required), Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express.

If you find you no longer have a use for the software, this options will delete the 'installation' folder including all contained files and sub-folders. If you are using the Windows Registry for your preferences then these will be removed also.

Note: Your tasklists, configuration files, backups, and time logs will also be deleted unless they are located outside of the application folder.

ToDoList License
Opens your browser at the Eclipse Public License 1.0, which describes the conditions under which ToDoList is made available.

About ToDoList
Displays the About dialog which lists the running version/release, the location of the application files, the location of the current configuration file, project contributors, and other information.

When posting questions and issues, please refer to the version information found here, and update to the latest version if possible to verify that an issue exists in the current release.

help-menu.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/21 02:21 (external edit)